The Reading Year Ahead – 2017

Happy New Year!  I love clean slates – perfect for ambition and all kinds of plans.  But before I get into that let’s see how I did with last year’s goals:

  • Have at least 20% of my reading be by an author who is a person of color of otherwise diverse
  • Read from more library categories than last year
  • Add at least ten titles to my ongoing Dewey decimal list

These were all successes.  I ended up around 30% diverse, with one more library category than last year and 15 titles added to Dewey. Woot.

  • Add at least five titles to my ongoing 20th Century list
  • Read at least one more book than last year.

Two fails.  I added four titles to the 20th Century (the pull of the frontlist is strong) and I just barely matched the number of books read.

Mid-year I set a goal to read all of this year’s Goldsmiths Prize nominees… which also didn’t happen.  To be fair, though, a couple of the books haven’t been released in the US yet while library holds doomed me on another.  I do hope to read a couple more in the future and plan to tackle the nominees again in 2017.  So many good books….

Overall I’m happy with what I accomplished. The goal that was the most stressful was number of books – counting feels silly when some books are 100 pages and others are 1000 pages.  So guess what I’m doing this year, bwahahahahahaha.

2017 Reading Goals

  • Read 36,000 pages

The last couple of years I’ve been avoiding chunksters to avoid falling behind on my Goodreads challenge, which is just silly.  Counting pages solves that problem and lets me get to all the delicious tomes that are sitting in heavy piles on my shelf.

So that’s how much I hope to read.  The rest of the goals help me broaden my reading life:

  • Have 30%+ of my reading be by authors who are people of color or otherwise diverse
  • Add at least five titles to my ongoing 20th Century list
  • Add at least five titles to my ongoing Dewey list (hopefully 10+)

Do you count books or pages?  This will be my first year doing pages and I’m still not sure it’ll be the best plan for me, so I’d love to hear what you do.

Here’s to a happy and book-filled 2017!

5 thoughts on “The Reading Year Ahead – 2017

  1. That’s a pretty good list, good luck!

    As for counting, I’d say both and none. Both because Goodreads counts it all for me :P. None, because I listen to audiobooks and read comics, mangas etc, so that messes up all the page counts anyway :D.

    1. Audiobooks and manga really do mess up the page count! The manga I read is usually in Japanese, so I tell myself that reading in my second language makes up for any inflated numbers. Ah, rationalization! 😉

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